Saturday I started 100 Push-Ups a day for 30 days. I’ve done this challenge or workout in the past and had awesome results. Since I’m over 300 lbs and I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder, I’m currently unable to do a regular push up, so I’m currently doing them standing up and pressing […]
Tonight I bought myself a scale. When I got home I decided to weigh myself. When I got on the scale, I really didn’t like what it read. It says that I weigh 320 lbs. Please understand, I didn’t need a scale to let me know that I needed to lose weight. The reason I […]
Last night I made a TeeSpring store. I’ve seen others making money using TeeSpring, so I figured that I’d give it a shot. Here is the first shirt in my store (click on the shirt and it will take you to the store) The shirt also comes in lighter colors like Lime, White, Pink and […]
Last night I was looking for a Full Body Workout that I could do every day. So I visited YouTube and typed in “daily exercise for men at home” and I saw Full Body Workout in 12 Minutes – No equipment necessary and I thought it was interesting. Here’s a list of the exercises that […]
Well after breaking my computer and then losing this domain name (because Go Daddy keeps changing things). I’m finally back. Since my last post, I kind of fell off my diet. Meaning that I started drinking sweet tea from time to time. But since I got this domain name back, I’m happy and it’s time […]
I’m starting to research, “How to eat well on a budget”. From what I’m learning, I’m going to have to go shopping to actually see how much I want my budget to be. I’d like to not spend anymore than $25 a week, but reading different things on the internet, I might have to raise […]
My New Years Resolution is, “No more excuses!” Even though losing weight wise 2016 I made excuses as far as this website. Meaning the screen to my laptop got broke and my phone is too small and blah ba blah ba blah. All I can say is, if I put my mind to something, I […]
Back on April 19th 2016, I gave up drinking soda and sweet tea. At the time I was 263 lbs., the other day I weighed myself, I was 237 lbs. Other than working out the one day, I have not done any exercise. With that being said, I do feel like I should tell you […]
I’m still here. But things are rough at work and I’ve been focused on trying to turn things around. But I haven’t given up on the no soda and no sweet tea. The giving up white bread on the other hand, well that’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. The corn tortillas, […]
Well since I had so much success with my first goal “Giving up Sweet Tea & Soda“, I’ve decided to set myself another goal and tht is to give up white bread. For those of you that don’t know me, I love white bread, a lot of times I eat bread and butter with my […]