My New Years Resolution is, “No more excuses!” Even though losing weight wise 2016 I made excuses as far as this website. Meaning the screen to my laptop got broke and my phone is too small and blah ba blah ba blah. All I can say is, if I put my mind to something, I can do anything. Over the years I can always figure out ways to slack off, but I find excuses to not succeed. That’s where my New Years Resolution comes in.
I’ve got an old laptop, that I’ve been able to tether my phone to. The reason that I have to tether is because my old laptop has an old version of windows that won’t allow me to connect to the motel WiFi. (Like I said, “I can always figure out ways to slack off, but I find excuses to not succeed”) The tethering with my phone sucks, because if I hit the wire, I lose connection and the frustrates me. Well I’ve been using that excuse to not succeed for a few months now.
Anyway I hope you have a fun and safe New Years Eve and I’m going to make a conscious effort to write a post more often. I’m not going to put an exact number as to how many that I want to make a week or month. All I can say is baby steps. Kind of like I’ve done with my weight loss so far. It’s my belief that quitting everything cold turkey, only sets me up to fail. Slowly cutting back has worked for me with smoking (I quit smoking about 12 years ago or like I say sometimes “80 lbs. ago”). Cutting back has also worked with drinking. I’ve went from being drunk every night to not having a drink in at least 3 years. The reason that I quit smoking and drinking, is the same reason that I want to lose weight! I want to be around for my Baby Girl. She will be 16 soon and I need to get healthy, to be around for awhile longer.
Well until next time, I hope that everything goes well for you.